Saturday, May 17, 2008

Laverty Line from Isaac Laverty to the Present

Isaac Laverty (1750-1793) - Lived in County Tyrone, Northern Ireland; Northumberland, PA
Samuel Laverty (1788-1857) - Northumberland, PA; Parke County, IN; Indianola, IA
James A. Laverty (1818-1889) - Parke County, IN; Indianola, IA; Elk Falls, KS
William S. Laverty (1864-1941) - Indianola, IA, Chicago, IL; Grady Co, OK, Los Angeles, CA; San Diego, CA
William J. Laverty, Sr. (1903-1971) - Grady Co. OK, Los Angeles, CA, San Diego, CA
William J. Laverty, Jr. (1925-1981) - San Diego, CA
David F. Laverty (1962-xxxx) - San Diego, CA; San Jose, CA; Denver, CO

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Summary from Laverty Family History Account by David Laverty

I discovered the remarkable story of an Irish family over a span of 250 years with abundant examples of a pioneering spirit, risk-taking adventure, leadership through public affairs, prolific families, and religious faith. However, this story is not without tragedy, and personal mischief. You will soon see that the positive aspects far outweigh the negative and provide an American tale of which our family members can share pride.

As any example of history should show, I have written an account which reflects all the information I have located. It is not my intent to reveal negative information to embarrass any relatives. I hope you agree that knowing the true story is better than knowing only the positive. You will often see that the collective history of United States influenced the course of our family, yet a few talented family members made distinct contributions to the history of the areas where they lived.

As a child, I often heard stories which stated two brothers from Ireland escaped a potato famine and landed in Boston. Later on, a father and son served in General William Sherman’s March to the Sea and somewhere along the line, we inherited Cherokee ancestry. Yet, the facts which unfold are a bit different due to the overwhelming amount of information available online. The information is often verified by considerable repetition. Inaccuracies exist, but these mistakes appear to be the result of an occasional typing error or misspelled name.

When one opens up a newspaper these days, the downside of the Internet can be alarming. Technology has often eased the ability of criminals to inflict misery on others who are using the Internet for positive reasons. Yet just as the Wild West of the 1800s produced unlimited opportunities for the law respecting as well as the law breaking, so too does the Internet contain the same inherent conflict. The ability to scan information in a few hours, which historically would have required a massive expense of time and resources, can be considered almost magical.

From this electronic library of information, the journey of our line of the Laverty Family travels from Belfast, Ireland to Northumberland, PA to Parke County, IN to Indianola, IA to Grady Co., OK to San Diego, CA. Be ready for an enchanting ride through history as seen through the eyes of our family. Our story begins in Ireland, the emerald isle.

If you are interested in reading the full 50-page account, click on the Pay-Pal button in the blog's upper right corner. You will also receive a summary of genealogy tips for your own research.